Hi folks,
I’m honoured that Dubray Books have chosen to highlight my new book, Fifty Fifty. They’ve been a great supporter of my books and you couldn’t ask for a better store, with more dedicated staff. These are strange times to be launching a new book, as I can’t get out to sign copies or do any of the normal things that I would do when one of my titles is released. All that I hope is that you are all safe and well, and I can offer this book to you as something which I hope will provide some distraction and light relief from the scary place the world is becoming because of this virus. In Fifty Fifty Eddie Flynn, former con artist turned New York trial attorney, has a difficult case defending one of two sisters accused of murdering their father – the former mayor of New York. I hope this one will keep you turning the pages into the wee small hours. Please take care of yourselves, and each other. I wish you all my very best.
Steve Cavanagh

Steve Cavanagh was born and raised in Belfast before leaving for Dublin at the age of eighteen to study Law. He currently practices civil rights law and has been involved in several high profile cases; in 2010 he represented a factory worker who suffered racial abuse in the workplace and won the largest award of damages for race discrimination in Northern Ireland legal history. He holds a certificate in Advanced Advocacy and lectures on various legal subjects (but really he just likes to tell jokes). He is married with two young children.