Arthur And Teddy Are Coming Out by Ryan Love

Arthur and Teddy Are Coming Out is a debut novel by Ryan Love. The story opens with Arthur, Teddy’s 79-year-old grandfather, coming out to his children. Teddy has a secret of his own: he’s also gay… Ryan shares a few words below.

Being the eldest of five kids, with parents who are both one of eight and nine respectively, family has always been a huge influence on my life. It was only natural that it would also play a big role in the story I wanted to tell in my first book, Arthur and Teddy Are Coming Out.

However, there was always something missing; grandparents. My Mum’s parents died when she was sixteen. Undoubtedly, this changed the course of her life. I grew up hearing lots of lovely stories about them, so despite no physical presence, it always felt like they were there, watching over me. My paternal Grandfather died when I was three, so there’s also been an absence of that important Grandfather figure in my life. As I got older I began reflecting more on what they would think of me. Would we get on? How would they have reacted to me being gay?

Arthur And Teddy Are Coming Out

Arthur Edwards was born out of these questions. He’s the Grandfather I never had, the Grandfather I wish we could all have. The relationship between Arthur and his grandson Teddy is central to the story. Both men are at very different stages of their lives, but – as they quickly learn – have more in common than they ever could have realised. Having them share their journeys and being able to lean on each other was really important to me. Arthur needs Teddy just as much as Teddy needs Arthur, and I hope that the bond they share makes people reflect on their own relationships with the older people in their lives.

Coming out is a unique experience for every queer person. It was an all-consuming fear that ruined my teenage years, until I told my family at 20. I was able to channel some of my own emotions into Teddy’s story, but Arthur’s allowed me the chance to think about the sacrifices older members of our community made when simply being who they are was illegal. Now Arthur has the chance to be that person. I hope Arthur and Teddy inspire people both young and old to live their best lives. It’s never too late to be you!

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